Hurry up and Wait...
This is a phrase that can sum up much of the last decade for us. Or maybe its just life, maybe the fast pace we adopt makes hurry up only to end up waiting. Waiting for something bigger, something beyond our control, out of our hands something so amazing we will one day look back and just know that one choice changed our lives forever.
We know that the process we are in will do just that. But for now we hurry up to wait. We have been in touch with Doctors in Pittsburgh so that we can understand the care he will need when we bring Our Son home. I just wish it could be tomorrow. We are truly blessed in this country, maybe even more in Pittsburgh, with access to amazing Hospitals, Clinics, Schools and Specialists. We just need to get him here now. So we hurry up and gather information so we can wait to bring him home.
We know that the process we are in will do just that. But for now we hurry up to wait. We have been in touch with Doctors in Pittsburgh so that we can understand the care he will need when we bring Our Son home. I just wish it could be tomorrow. We are truly blessed in this country, maybe even more in Pittsburgh, with access to amazing Hospitals, Clinics, Schools and Specialists. We just need to get him here now. So we hurry up and gather information so we can wait to bring him home.