Insanity Month 1 Complete

Back to the beginning, but  not really.

When I started Insanity 36 days ago I decided to do it because it was the first beach body program I had attempted and my results were non existent.

Now that I am half way through for the second time I can tell you the reason:

I was lazy.  this time I made a point to not skip any workouts, make it through every part of the workout, and I feel amazing!

My results~

Right before insanity I spent 21 days doing the Ultimate Reset my eating was 100% clean, 14 of those days were spent vegan.

And Yes. I am setting you up for the I did not lose any weight in the first 30 days of Insanity. Full disclosure, my eating habits the last week took a nose dive.

This is actually not a bad thing though, its a great way for me too talk to you about the importance of non scale victories, NSV!

This time there are many!  Insanity starts you off the first day with a fit test that you repeat every 15 days. Thankfully I kept my results from my first attempt and the difference is amazing!    I did lose another inch from my thighs, but even better my most hated part of my body, my knees have appeared again!

Just a few highlights from my fit test :

Switch Kicks In October 2011 in one minute I was able to complete 80 Yesterday I did 126.
Push up Jacks I did not even attempt them in 2011 I even wrote on my fit test paper that I did "girl" push ups. Really? Who was that ?  I can answer that, a tired frustrated 30 something afraid to work for her goals.  Yesterday in one minute I did 30 push up jacks! Take that old self!

What will you do 60 days from now that you cannot right at this moment? Walk for 2 miles without stopping?  Run 5miles 5 minutes faster then you are right now? Hold a 30 second plank without dropping?  30 push ups without stopping? Get rid of the diet soda or that extra cup of coffee? Sleep a little better (or more) every night?

Make a plan write it down share it with someone make yourself accountable for it! Need someone on the outside to help? Send your goals to me!

Insanity sound interesting? A goal you want to accomplish in the next 60days? The deal is gone tomorrow!  Decide today to make a change we can do it together!


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