What Thanksgiving means THIS year

Thanksgiving. Pilgrims. Settlers. Stuffing yourself until you wish you could burst.

These are all the things that just the actual holiday of Thanksgiving means to me. The art of Thanksgiving however is different. Mirriam Webster online defines it as:

1: the act of giving thanks

2: a prayer expressing gratitude

3 a: a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness.

Last year on Thanksgiving Day we felt we had so much to be Thankful for, the years of the pain of infertility we felt were behind us. We could let go, move forward. Only to lose that feeling 11 days later. So I'll admit its been a hard almost year for me/us to find or act upon any of the three definitions of Thanksgiving. The process of healing however requires that we sometimes take 2 steps forward, and 1 step back. That still means we are moving, doesn't it?

This year on this Thanksgiving, for me its defined in this way:

1: I am giving thanks this year for all of our friends & families New & Old that have supported loved and given space whenever we needed.

2: I am grateful for my husbands career that allows him the flexibility to kiss our daughter hello and goodbye before and after school- even if that comes along with my frustration of the mess leaves me in the kitchen, at least I know he's been home. I am grateful for my daughter because of her I am a Mother, and even though we lost a son there are so many still struggling to be given the title "Mommy & Daddy", and because of her we are blessed.

3: On Thanksgiving Day we travel to family nearby, and miss those far away that we will hold in hearts, and acknowledge how much we truly have, and celebrate the "Divine Goodness" of our Lord, because even in the midst of our pain, we know others are struggling with so much more, and pray for peace for them.

Happy Thanksgiving & if you have the time share with us what are thankful for this year.


Anonymous said…
Thankful for: Health, getting up in the morning. Actually having the love a beautiful and wonderful women, my wife.
Knowing my daughter and granddaughter have a great husband and father.
Two dogs and two cats.
Physical pain, it reminds one that there are good and bad days, getting through each requires effort. All we do should not be effortless because without the effort we cannot appreciate the journey.

Finally knowing Christ.
Anonymous said…
I am thankful that the winter season has started. That even tho the trees are bare and the darkness comes so early, I know that nothing can stop the new growth that will emerge in the new year. I truly hope that the new growth is a spiritual one for me.

I am thankful that I can enjoy my family - both my immediate family and my extended family.

But most of all I am thankful for my husband who always supports me, my two children and the wonderful spouses they have chosen and the grandchildren they have blessed us with.

I am especially thankful that my daughter-in-law is so eloquent in her writings. Much love to you, Brandee.

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