Training for a Cause

This could also be titled, I am crazy reason # 2.

After 18months of relatively no cardio activity I did it. Sat down, entered all my information and registered for the 20th Pittsburgh Marathon. My goal a few years ago was to run this on my 26th birthday. You know, 26miles at 26. That happened to be the year they cancelled it.

So now they've brought it back, and here I am trying to bring myself back. I think its a good first marathon back!

Some of you may remember my first Marathon @ Disney I trained for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. This time I'm not, just running for the fun of it. But today I thought why not run for a cause? Maybe it doesn't have to be directly related to the marathon.

How bout a race worth smiling for?

Two years ago when I signed up for Disney, I met E. She has become a wonderful friend. She is an amazing friend to many people. Especially Denise. You can read her story here. Last year E solely organized the first annual MS Miles of Smiles. She's at it again this year. I wasn't much help last year. But have vowed to do more this year.

This is where you come in. All our loyal readers. Well maybe the 20 or so of you. But you each have friends right?

Come join us for the Race at North Park May 1, 2009~ and bring the sunshine with you!
Live far away ~ Become a Sponsor get your team or company name on shirt~
Live nearby, but not runner or walker? Donate something.....

Most of All Pray for a cure...


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